Piers Morgan debates Ben Shapiro on banning assault weapons.

By Tara Jons and Adriel Atwater
07/20/2015 • 03:32 PM EST

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: Click or tap on any techniquesee definition - the definition will be displayed here.
that appears in bold to show its definition.
: trollingsee definition - making inflammatory or controversial comments to provoke a strong, emotional reaction from an opponent.
: Shapiro introduces the prospect of banning all guns.
: Morgan argues for just banning assault weapons.
: slippery slopesee definition - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.
: Shapiro suggests that you can't consider banning any gun without considering banning all guns.
: slippery slopesee definition - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.
: Shapiro again suggests that you can't consider banning any gun without considering banning all guns.
: slippery slopesee definition - suggesting that major inevitable consequences will occur by permitting any incremental course of action.
: Shapiro again suggests that you can't consider banning any gun without considering banning all guns.
: Morgan now finds himself defending hand gun ownership against Shapiro.
: baseless claimsee definition - a bold statement that is presented as accepted or established fact, with no discernable evidence to support the claim.
: ALL gun rights supporters practice fear mongering after mass shootings.

Total number of techniques detected over the 14:04 runtime of this video clip:

1. "State Gun Laws Enacted in the Year After Newtown". The New York Times. Published: December 10, 2013.