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By No Author
01/12/2018 • 01:07 AM EST

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: ad hominemsee definition - attacking the character or motive of the person making an argument, rather than attacking the argument itself.
: Miller attacks Bannon's character and motives for alleging Trump met with those in the Trump Tower meeting, without refuting that Trump met with those in the Trump Tower meeting.
: accuse of lyingsee definition - reacting to undesirable truths simply with accusations of lies and lying.
: Although Miller states he knows nothing about the meeting, he insists that any allegations about it, or anything else, are totally untrue.
: false equivalencysee definition - implying that two things are essentially the same, when they only have anecdotal similarities.
: Between legitimate errors in reporting and deliberate manufactured disinformation.[7]

Total number of techniques detected over the 12:35 runtime of this video clip:

1. "The rise of GOP mega-donor Rebekah Mercer". The Washington Post. Published: September 14, 2016.

2. "Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father". The New York Times. Published: October 02, 2018.

3. "Mueller Has Early Draft of Trump Letter Giving Reasons for Firing Comey". The New York Times. Published: September 01, 2017.

4. "Mueller examining Trump's draft letter firing FBI Director Comey". The Washington Post. Published: September 01, 2017.

5. "The Rosenstein Memorandum for Firing Comey". The White House. Published: May 09, 2017.

7. "CNN corrects story on email to Trumps about Wikileaks". CNN Business. Published: December 08, 2017.