Donald Trump: proof by anecdote

  Article: Offering False Dichotomy Solutions
  Published: November 12, 2020

proof by anecdotesee definition - making a broad generalization, based on an individual story or stories that support that generalization.
: Trump reassures people that they'll get better quickly from COVID because he got better quickly from COVID.

  Article: Offering False Dichotomy Solutions
  Published: November 12, 2020

proof by anecdotesee definition - making a broad generalization, based on an individual story or stories that support that generalization.
: Trump reassures people that children will be fine even if they get COVID because his son was fine after he got COVID.

  Article: Recasting Fault as Virtue
  Published: October 12, 2016

proof by anecdotesee definition - making a broad generalization, based on an individual story or stories that support that generalization.
: Trump suggests that he doesn't racially discriminate because at his Palm Beach club in Florida he says he doesn't racially discriminate.