Hillary Clinton: straw man

  Article: Demonstrating the Art of Projection
  Published: January 31, 2016

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Sanders said his plan, which would eliminate out-of-pocket expenses, would be paid for by raising taxes, NOT that it would be free.[3]

  Article: Billary by Association
  Published: June 10, 2015

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Obama praised Reagan for having ideas, NOT for the ideas themselves.[1]

  Article: Recasting Fault as Virtue
  Published: October 12, 2016

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Trump invited the Russians to find Clinton's 30,000 deleted emails, NOT to hack into random Americans.[10]