Kelly Loeffler: straw man

  Article: Labeling an Opponent Ad Nauseum
  Published: December 30, 2020

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: Warnock did say some police in Ferguson had a "gangster and thug mentality," NOT that police were "gangsters and thugs."[4]

  Article: Labeling an Opponent Ad Nauseum
  Published: December 30, 2020

straw mansee definition - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it.
: The insinuation of inappropriately trading stocks was an attack on Loeffler, NOT the America Dream or every single Georgian.