Donald Trump: glittering generalities

  Article: No article is associated with this clip
  Published: December 17, 2017

glittering generalitiessee definition - vague words or phrases used to evoke positive emotional appeal, without presenting supporting information or reason.
: About our movement being sabotaged by powerful forces and very, very bad and evil people, who know who they are and liked it the other way, and who will do anything, anytime and never stop, but we're stopping them, and you're seeing that right now.

  Article: Recasting Fault as Virtue
  Published: October 12, 2016

glittering generalitiessee definition - vague words or phrases used to evoke positive emotional appeal, without presenting supporting information or reason.
: About Clinton driving business out of the U.S. by increasing regulations on top of regulations and Trump cutting regulations, and him cutting taxes big league and her raising taxes big league, end of story.