straw man - misrepresenting an opponent's position or argument to make it easier to attack, usually by exaggerating, distorting, or just completely fabricating it. (10 uses)
false claim - a statement that is directly contradicted by fact and can be easily proven untrue. (8 uses)
misleading claim - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue. (8 uses)
baseless claim - a bold statement that is presented as accepted or established fact, with no discernable evidence to support the claim. (4 uses)
post hoc - proclaiming that because something occurred after X, it was caused by X, when no causal relationship at all may exist. (3 uses)
fault as virtue - presenting a weakness or undesirable trait as a strength, by focusing on any positive aspect of it. (2 uses)
half truth - a statement that is essentially true, but lacking critical information and presented as the whole truth. (2 uses)
adding qualifiers - adding an extra word or phrase to a response, which makes it ultimately meaningless, but still leaves the desired impression. (2 uses)
exaggeration - stretching the truth to make something seem more powerful or meaningful than it actually is. (2 uses)
going negative - characterizing criticism from an opponent as being underhanded, unfair, or indecent in some way. (2 uses)
honor by association - Defending or championing cultural sacred cows in order to transfer the respect, authority, and prestige associated with those symbols onto oneself. (2 uses)
reversal of reality - a statement that is not only verifiably false, but is the exact opposite of the truth. (2 uses)
innuendo - implying something without actually saying it, which can't be refuted because it wasn't actually said. (1 use)
cherry picking - presenting only evidence that confirms your position, while ignoring or withholding an often more significant portion that contradicts it. (1 use)
common folk - connecting with an audience by showing that you understand and share their everyday experiences and concerns. (1 use)
euphemism - replacing language that is accurate but may be offensive to your target audience with language that is more palatable or appealing. (1 use)
labeling - pigeon-holing a person or group into a simple category and assigning names and/or beliefs to that category. (1 use)
virtue words - using words that are attractive to the value system of the target audience. (1 use)
passing the buck - shifting blame onto someone else for self-exoneration or to direct attention away from those really at fault. (1 use)
accuse of lying - reacting to undesirable truths simply with accusations of lies and lying. (1 use)
false equivalence - implying that two things are essentially the same, when they only have anecdotal similarities. (1 use)
whataboutism - discrediting a criticism by accusing hypocrisy, in order to shift the focus away from oneself and onto others. (1 use)
now is not the time - discouraging critical evaluation of tragic events that might give rise to political action, by characterizing it as political opportunism. (1 use)
the American people - promoting a position as having the overwhelming support of all Americans, while providing no evidence that it does. (1 use)
out of context - removing a passage or quote from its surrounding context in such a way as to distort its intended meaning. (1 use)
red herring - throwing irrelevant information into an argument to divert attention from the real issue at hand. (1 use)