Alisyn Camerota interviews Matt Schlapp on Michael Cohen and Mueller's alleged conflicts of interest.

By Adriel Atwater
08/04/2018 • 12:00 AM EST

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: Click or tap on any techniquesee definition - the definition will be displayed here.
that appears in bold to show its definition.
: ad hominemsee definition - attacking the character or motive of the person making an argument, rather than attacking the argument itself.
: Schlapp attacks Cohen's character and suggests his motives, without refuting any of Cohen's allegations.
: ad hominemsee definition - attacking the character or motive of the person making an argument, rather than attacking the argument itself.
: Schlapp focuses on Cohen's possible motives for his claims against Trump, without refuting any of Cohen's claims against Trump.
: appeal to ignorancesee definition - suggesting that something is true simply because it hasn’t yet been proven false.
: Schlapp suggests the idea of conflicts of interests may be true, because they haven't yet been proven false.
: Rather than explore the merits of the allegation, Camerota defends the vetting process and Mueller's character.
: appeal to ignorancesee definition - suggesting that something is true simply because it hasn’t yet been proven false.
: Schlapp suggests the idea of conflicts of interests with Bob Mueller may be true, because Mueller hasn't yet proven them false.
: Schlapp, not being challenged on the veracity of the conflicts, is now free to focus on the vetting process.
: the American peoplesee definition - promoting a position as having the overwhelming support of all Americans, while providing no evidence that it does.
: misleading claimsee definition - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue.
: The "business relationship" between Mueller and Trump that ended, was Mueller's membership at a Trump golf course.[1]
: Schlapp acknowledges he's making his conclusions based on a lack of evidence to the contrary.
: Camerota again defends the DOJ vetting process, while never scrutinizing the claim of conflicts of interest.
: misleading claimsee definition - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue.
: The "acrimonious business relationship" Schlapp is referring to was Mueller ending his membership at a Trump golf course.[2]
: Camerota again defends the vetting process.
: appeals to ignorancesee definition - suggesting that something is true simply because it hasn’t yet been proven false.
: Schlapp concludes that "there's something there," because it hasn't yet been proven that there's not something there.
: whataboutismsee definition - discrediting a criticism by accusing hypocrisy, in order to shift the focus away from oneself and onto others.
: Schlapp shifts the focus from Trump not doing enough to stop Russian infiltration to Obama not doing enough to stop Russian infiltration.
: false claimsee definition - a statement that is directly contradicted by fact and can be easily proven untrue.
: Russian efforts were NOT designed to create chaos for both Clinton and Trump; they were designed to hurt Clinton and help Trump.[3]

Total number of techniques detected over the 10:48 runtime of this video clip:

1. "Debunking Mueller's 'Conflicts'". Published: April 19, 2019.

2. "Mueller explains why his family left Trump's golf club". CNN Politics. Published: April 18, 2019.