George Stephanopoulos interviews White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders on Bob Woodward's bombshell book.

By Jon Wright Fay
09/10/2018 • 12:00 AM EST

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: Click or tap on any techniquesee definition - the definition will be displayed here.
that appears in bold to show its definition.
: appeal to compromised authoritysee definition - insisting something is true because an expert on the issue says it's true, when that expert has a vested interest in the outcome.
: Sarah Sanders is currently a member of the Trump administration.
: appeal to compromised authoritysee definition - insisting something is true because an expert on the issue says it's true, when that expert has a vested interest in the outcome.
: Mattis and Kelly also currently serving in the Trump administration.
: red herringsee definition - throwing an irrelevant fact into an argument to divert attention from the real issue at hand.
: Sander's bring up stuff she sees "coming out of this Whitehouse," which has nothing to do to with addressing the allegations made in Woodward's book.
: the American peoplesee definition - promoting a position as having the overwhelming support of all Americans, while providing no evidence that it does.
: reversal of realitysee definition - a statement that is not only verifiably false, but is the exact opposite of the truth.
: Trump is not the most accessible president to the press, but one of the least accessible, and appears to enjoy, not engaging with, but vehemently attacking the press.[1][2]
: false equivalencysee definition - implying that two things are essentially the same, when they only have anecdotal similarities.
: Between criminally prosecuting those accused of actual crimes, and criminally prosecuting those that have been critical of Trump and his allies.[3][4]

Total number of techniques detected over the 04:50 runtime of this video clip: