Propaganda Techniques

false dichotomy - giving the impression that there are only two opposing choices or options, while ignoring any middle ground exists between the two extremes.

1:01:46: false dichotomysee definition - giving the impression that there are only two opposing choices or options, while ignoring any middle ground exists between the two extremes.
: Between deciding the next president based on past history or future goals, while ignoring that both can be taken into consideration.

1:09:57: false dichotomysee definition - giving the impression that there are only two opposing choices or options, while ignoring any middle ground exists between the two extremes.
: Between providing military aid to Ukraine and securing the U.S. southern border, while ignoring the option of doing both.

0:00: false dichotomysee definition - giving the impression that there are only two opposing choices or options, while ignoring any middle ground exists between the two extremes.
: Between being "with us" or "with the terrorists," while ignoring any middle-ground position, like not supporting either side.