Propaganda Techniques

glittering generalities - vague, emotionally charged language used to evoke strong feelings or associations, while lacking in any specifics.

This technique relies on language that resonates with deeply held values, ideals, or fears of an audience, but is also intentionally ambiguous to encourage acceptance and agreement without the need for concrete evidence or specific details. These generalities serve to manipulate emotions and create a compelling narrative while diverting attention away from the absence of a logical argument.

10:23: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague, emotionally charged language used to evoke strong feelings or associations, while lacking in any specifics.
: About saving the American Dream by, not running from something, but running to something — to a vision of what it means to be an American, and passing the keys to a broken car, not to the people who broke it, but to a new generation to fix it.

27:21: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague, emotionally charged language used to evoke strong feelings or associations, while lacking in any specifics.
: About not supporting an increase in the minimum wage because of his belief in the dignity of work, the dignity of workers, essential workers, essential wages, essential benefits, participating in prosperity, a livable wage, and getting to a good place.

15:31: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague, emotionally charged language used to evoke strong feelings or associations, while lacking in any specifics.
: About beating Donald Trump by harnessing love for political purposes, meeting on the field, and winning with love.

1:01:13: glittering generalitiessee definition - vague, emotionally charged language used to evoke strong feelings or associations, while lacking in any specifics.
: About our movement being sabotaged by powerful forces and very, very bad and evil people, who know who they are and liked it the other way, and who will do anything, anytime and never stop, but we're stopping them, and you're seeing that right now.