Dr. Samoilenko is an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Communication at George Mason University and founding member of CARP, the Research Lab for Character Assassination and Reputation Politics: https://carpresearchlab.org. He is a co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Character Assassination and Reputation Management, and Handbook of Research on Deception, Fake News, and Misinformation Online. His focus is on bridging the academic and professional communities in the areas of political communication, public relations, and reputation management.
Dr. Lukito is an Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin's School of Journalism and Media. Jo studies political mis- and disinformation, including the impact of Russian disinformation on political communication ecologies more broadly. She has discussed her research in Columbia Journalism Review and her research was also cited in the Mueller Report.
Dr. Ivanov is a Professor of Integrated Strategic Communication at the University of Kentucky. He studies strategic message design, consumer behavior, and strategic communications, and has taught courses on different topics such as Communication Theory, Inoculation Theory and Resistance, Communication and Persuasion, and Persuasion and Psychophysiological Measurement, among others. Dr. Ivanov is also a key contributor to our internal research on inoculation messaging strategy.
Ms. Alvarado-Goldman is the Founder and CEO of Capacity Building and Policy Experts, LLC. She obtained her Masters in Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University and has held leadership positions in various nonprofits, associations, advocacy groups, and policy institutes. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Rider University Political Science Department and has directed research on nonprofit best practices, infrastructure, and anti-corruption practices.
Dr. Banas is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Oklahoma who specializes in persuasion theory and helping people resist the influence of persuasive messages. His research has been published in numerous journals, including: Communication Monographs, Communication Quarterly, Communication Education, Southern Journal of Communication, Journal of Language and Social Psychology, and Journal of Intercultural Communication Research.
Ms. Lavoy has served as a marketing executive at AOL, Adobe, Open Text, Jostle. She developed a framework for building core narratives and measuring narrative strength, and applied it to over a dozen companies. In late 2015, due to the rise of disinformation and its malicious appropriation of the tools of marketing and narrative, she turned her knowledge of rhetoric and marketing skills to fight back, culminating in the creation of Reality Team in 2020.
Ms. Joy Stevens is the Founder of Sabijoy Creative Solutions. She is an accomplished movement-builder, storyteller, and strategist. She has contributed to some of the most impactful human and civil rights movements of the last two decades. Through her consultancy, she helps advocates cultivate brave and joyful strategic communications and campaigns for justice. She also teaches people how to use values-driven narrative techniques to neutralize disinformation. Her work has appeared in a range of outlets, including MSNBC, The Washington Post, TIME.com, Education Week, and more.
Dr. Share is a Lecturer in the School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. His research and practice focus on transformative education, preparing K-12 educators to teach critical media literacy for social and environmental justice. He has authored various books on critical media literacy, including his most recent collaboration in 2019 with Douglas Kellner, The Critical Media Literacy Guide: Engaging Media and Transforming Education.