Techniques used by Barack Obama

dysphemism - replacing neutral language with more derogatory or unpleasant terms, to instill a negative association. (1 use)

euphemism - replacing language that is accurate but may be offensive to your target audience with language that is more palatable or appealing. (1 use)

guilt by association - using an opponent's links to another to assign the other's beliefs, misdeeds, or other unattractive qualities to the opponent. (1 use)

post hoc - proclaiming that because something occurred after X, it was caused by X, when no causal relationship at all may exist. (1 use)

half truth - a statement that is essentially true, but lacking critical information and presented as the whole truth. (1 use)

minimization - characterizing something that you don't want to address as trivial or insignificant, in order to shift the focus away from it and onto "more important" things. (1 use)

whataboutism - discrediting a criticism by accusing hypocrisy, in order to shift the focus away from oneself and onto others. (1 use)

misleading claim - a statement with a few elements or kernel of truth, which can easily be proven deceptive or fundamentally untrue. (1 use)