Falsehoods & Distortions

reversal of reality - a statement that is not only verifiably false, but is the exact opposite of the truth.

08:32: reversal of realitysee definition - a statement that is not only verifiably false, but is the exact opposite of the truth.
: Trump is not getting to the bottom of a corruption scandal in Ukraine, but creating one, and he's not the whistleblower, but the person against whom the whistle was blown.[4]

03:17: reversal of realitysee definition - a statement that is not only verifiably false, but is the exact opposite of the truth.
: Trump is not the most accessible president to the press, but one of the least accessible, and appears to enjoy, not engaging with, but vehemently attacking the press.[1][2]

06:56: reversal of realitysee definition - a statement that is not only verifiably false, but is the exact opposite of the truth.
: Trump did not appear forceful in Helsinki, but was generally perceived as weak, and his message to Putin was not clear, but even at odds with his own intelligence agencies.[3]